Conversational IVR for Hiring: Does it enhance HR’s recruitment process?

conversational ivr

Hiring is a challenging process, and as companies grow and evolve, they need to adapt their hiring practices. Optimistically, technology has made it easier for HR managers to find the best employees for their teams. For example, many organisations have already started using conversational IVR software—an automated voice response system that allows callers to interact with bot and human operators on need—to find new hires for their teams.

With more than 1 billion calls being placed by humans daily, automated voice response (AVR) systems are becoming increasingly popular for businesses to make better hires. These systems allow callers who have listed qualifications or skills on job boards like LinkedIn or Indeed to speak with human recruiters who can help them find jobs in a specific field or industry.

IVR for Hiring is a part of the AI for HR Automation Solution

IVR for Hiring is a part of the AI for HR Automation Solution. The solution helps you to automate your hiring process and make it more efficient by automating all the tasks involved in the hiring process, such as:

  • Interviewing candidates
  • Interview scoring and ranking them according to their performance
  • Recruiting new employees
    These solutions allow you to create custom interview questions based on your business needs and to save time by creating templates/scripts that can be used repeatedly. It also provides reports on previous interviews conducted by you or your team members so that future candidates can see how well they performed at their first interview before applying again later on if needed.

It helps you deliver an excellent candidate experience and ensure the end-to-end hiring process gets completed in a short time

Hiring is a time-consuming process with many moving parts involved. It’s not just about finding the right candidate but also ensuring that your hiring process gets completed in a short time. With the help of our Conversational AI for HR solution, you can streamline all aspects of this complex and time-consuming process to ensure that your company hires only top talent and stays ahead of its competitors.

The conversational IVR bot asks the right questions and captures the candidate's responses at the right time

The conversational IVR bot asks the right questions and captures the candidate’s responses at the right time. However, it also ensures that Virtual employee onboarding is successful post selection.
It does this by:

  • Using a conversational approach, rather than a script or fixed list of questions;
  • Asking questions in sequential order; and
  • Capturing candidates’ answers for future use.

It understands what they're saying, filters based on requirements, and schedules them for interviews

The bot understands what the candidate says, filters based on requirements, and schedules them for interviews.

The bot also ensures that the candidates are made aware of the following steps and are not left in the dark after taking the interview

The IVR system can also be configured to send an email to candidates after they have taken the interview. This is an excellent way of ensuring they are aware of the following steps and not left in the dark after their interview.

The Automated employee onboarding process system can also be configured to send a text message or call back to candidates who haven’t been selected for an interview yet, which will give them another opportunity to get through your hiring process if they meet specific criteria as part of your hiring policy. For example: If three people were interviewed but weren’t hired because someone else had more experience, then those two people could still get their chance at being hired by sending out another round of calls/texts.

The bot also interacts with hiring managers to create interview schedules and provide updates to candidates

The bot also interacts with hiring managers to create interview schedules and provide updates to candidates. The objective is to streamline the process to be completed in minutes. The bot can do this by communicating directly with hiring managers via email or Slack channels, which saves time for both parties involved in the process.

In addition, you can configure your IVR system to automate other HR operations such as employee onboarding, feedback collection, training and performance management

In addition, you can configure your IVR system to automate other HR operations such as employee onboarding, feedback collection, training and performance management etc. The AI for HR Automation Solution uses artificial intelligence (AI) to automate the hiring process. This IVR system can be integrated with a smart conversational bot with other tools, such as e-learning modules and mobile apps, in one platform.

All your HR operations, from hiring to managing employees, can be automated using AI-powered conversational IVR systems now

Conversational IVRs are a great way to automate your HR operations and make them more efficient. They can help improve productivity by up to 50%! It can also increase Employee Engagement Automation. Implementing IVR to automate other HR operations also drastically reduces employees’ workload.

Here are some of the benefits:

  • You can save time by automating simple tasks like scheduling meetings, requesting documents and sending messages. These actions have been done manually for years. However, you don’t have to worry about it anymore because all these things are done automatically through conversational IVR systems!
  • You can allocate human resources to the activities where humans are needed such as empathetically conversing with the employee or further complex tasks.

Smart Conversational IVR for Hiring enables an end-to-end hiring solution, thus improving your organisation's overall hiring process

IVR for Hiring is part of the AI for HR Automation Solution that helps you deliver an excellent candidate experience and ensure that recruitment automation with an end-to-end hiring process gets completed quickly. The conversational IVR bot asks the right questions at the right time. In addition, it captures candidates’ responses to help hire candidates best suited for your organisation.

Wrapping up

Conversational IVR is the beginning of an exciting new trend in Hiring. With the help of technology, companies can better prepare their employees for the job market and provide them with a personalised human-like experience when they apply for positions. But what is most important about this trend isn’t just how it will affect HR professionals or recruiters—it’s that it has the potential to improve our lives as well!

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